Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 100 Antibes, France




This week was very fun and went by very fast. One of the most exiting
parts of the week was our big zone finding day. On Thursday all of the
missionaries from the coat d'azure came to Antibes to find people to
teach here in Antibes. There were 12 missionaries in total. The day
before I was in Antibes on an exchange with Elder Connell from Toulon
and we put together a sort of geo cash game to play along with talking
to people. We woke up on Thursday and hid the treasures around
town and then everyone came at noon. We had a lot of miracles and
found a lot of people to see again. I am exited about the results of
our work this this week. After contacting we all went to Cannes and worked there
before going to eat at stake and a shake. It was very yummy.

I hope you all have a great week!


Frère bake

Fun French fact of the week - France also celebrates Valentine's Day
on the 14th of February but they also have a different Saint that is
deliberated on every day of the year!
Zone "Finding Day" in Cannes

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