Thursday, September 4, 2014

Week 25, Montpellier France

September 1, 2014

A  bientot
Sete, France

I hope everyone is doing well this week. I just finished my second week in Montpellier and I love it even more. We have so many amazing things happening. We taught a lesson with our ami Ephriem who is from Mexico and is here studying. We taught him the Plan of Salvation which is Gods plan for us on this Earth and after this life. It was really cool to see how excepting he was of the things we taught him. The sad thing is he is moving to another ville today but he is planning on going to church there and continuing to meet with the missionaries. I would not be surprised if he was baptized on September 27th. Our mission has a goal to get as many baptisms as we can on this day and our equip has a  goal to get 2. We do not have anyone committed to being baptized yet so it is going to take a lot  of faith an miracles for this to happen. We expect miracles in this mission so I'm exited. We had a really good lady named Rosaline come to church for the first time yesterday and she really liked it. We also taught our miracle guy Fabien about the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is what we teach the most because it is the first thing we teach. It is also the  most important and the  thing that makes our church different from others. We went to Sete this week which is a really cool ville by the beach. We had to run back to catch our train and I don't think I have ever sweated that much in my life. Heat, humidity, running, and church clothes. One thing my colleague and I like to do is pick a funny word or phrase that French people use and say it as many times as possible. 

Miracle of the  Week:
We were walking on a path yesterday and we passed a lady but I got a feeling I should talk to her. I went back and started talking to her. She was super accepting and interested in our message. We taught her a ton of stuff right then and gave her a Book of Mormon. 

There have been a lot of times in the last few weeks where we have been able to sit down with people and teach them lessons on the street which is something I have never been able to do. 
I bought some really cool ties this week that were super cheep. I am super exited for my siblings to be starting school this week and doing so great in Cross Country. It was also fun to hear that Prem got his mission call. He is going to do so great in India. And my Cousin Alex is on his last week of his mission which is crazy. 

I love you all

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week:
French people love New York. It is crazy how many people have t-shirts that say something about New York. I probably see 15 a day. Whenever I talk to someone traveling, or the fact that I'm American is brought up, everyone loves to talk about New York. They all have either been to New York or really want to go there.  

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