Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week 29, Montpellier, France

September 29, 2014


Today was transfer day but my companion and I are staying in the great city of Montpellier. We got to sit at the gare (station) all day and help the people that were coming through. It was fun to see some people that I knew and meet a lot of other missionaries. I ate at McDonalds twice today. All day it rained super hard and the whole city was flooded. There is a river that goes through the city and it flooded over which is crazy because the walls around it are really high. Apparently it rains like this every year around this time. I got really wet and my fingers froze so it is really hard to type right now but ca va (it's o.k.) they're worming up. 
Miracle of the week:
We ran into this really cool guy who we had met at the beginning of last transfer on the road and taught a lesson. We never had any contact with him again until this week when we saw him on the tram. Then as we were walking home yesterday we saw him again at a cafe and stopped and talked to him and his friend for about an hour. We were able to teach them about the restoration of the church of Jesus Christ. They are both Roman Catholic but had a lot of respect for our message and what we do. We found out that he is a doctor but also a really good, professional artist.  He invited us to come see his paintings. So today we went to the place where he does all his paintings, which is actually in a building for a non profit organization that restores old churches in France. It was like being in a museum but better because the artist was there personally explaining his art to us. So now we are like best friends with this professional French artist. Can it get any better? He even had one of those hat things!

There was also a baptism this week in our ward for a man named Jerome. He is really great and I am very exited for him. I taught him a few times when I was on an exchange with the other Elders who taught him. We had two baptisms in our ward this month and will most likely have more next month the way things are looking. 

Bonus Miracle:
Our mission had a big push to get as many baptisms as possible on the 27th of September and we got 20! It is so cool to be a part of this mission when there are so many miracles happening all the time. 

I hope everyone has a great week 

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week:
The credit cards here are different. Instead of swiping the card to use it you insert it into the machine. Most of the cash register machines have a place for inserting the card and swiping it. For some reason all of the missionaries have American cards. Whenever we do groceries or use the cards we have to explain to the worker that the card needs to be swiped. They usually freak out and tell us that that is not possible. Then after a lot of convincing they let us swipe our cards and it works fine. It is crazy how often this actually happens.

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