Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 27, Montpellier and Bordeaux, France

September 15, 2014

Morning in Montpellier from my apartment

My companion Elder Adamson

Me in the Market, we bought fresh fish for our lunch here on Saturday

Me in the Mediterranean

In our apartment

Bon jour tout le monde,

This week was great as always but very short.
On Monday we took a long train to Bordeaux for a big Zone Conference. We spent Monday and Tuesday night in Bordeaux and then came back to Montpellier on Wednesday. The conference was great. It was really cool to see a lot of the mission on the train ride there and the beautiful southern French countryside. We went through a lot of villes that I might serve in some day. It was also really cool to meet so many of the other missionaries who are in the mission. I saw Elder Shaw who was in the MTC with me and the Elder who trained my trainer. I really liked Bordeaux and it was cool for me because my Grandpa Ririe served in Bordeaux when he was a missionary. I have his old English French dictionary and I found the addresses of the villes he served in written in the inside cover. Maybe I can find your old apartment someday Grandpa.
For the conference we watched a video of Elder Ballard who came to Switzerland and talked to the missionaries there. He talked to us a lot about knowing the basic doctrine in Preach my Gospel. It is really important to focus on these things because they are the most important. When we teach lessons we try really hard to make them simple so that people can understand. The gospel of Jesus Christ is actually very simple. Right now for my personal study I am studying the lessons in Preach my Gospel chapter 3 and separating them into three categories: doctrine, commandments and blessings. I have found that this has helped me understand the lessons a lot better. Our message really, simply is that if we follow the commandments and teachings of Jesus Christ we will get blessings. 
Later this week we got back into the swing of things and had a lot of great lessons. We taught some people on a bench one night and then we taught them again the next night. We also had some great lessons with our ami Fabien who is progressing really well. It is so cool to see him change and have a desire to accept the things we teach him. 

Miracle of the week:
At church yesterday we had three amis at church which is three more than last Sunday and the Montpellier Ward made a new record for people at church! The new record is 125.

I love you all and hope you have a great week

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week:
There are rotating billboards everywere that rotate through 2 or 3 different adds

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