Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week 26, Montpellier, France

September 8, 2014

Cher famille,

I had another great week in Montpellier. School is starting here just like it is in the states. There are actually a bunch of students here from BYU Idaho who are studying in one of the schools in Montpellier. They are all really cool but it is really weird seeing Americans. 
For p-day last week we went to the beach. It was pretty awesome. I drank some Mediterranean sea water which was not as awesome. We played pickle and other stuff on the sand. We are not aloud to go swimming in the water but it was still a lot of fun. It is crazy how last transfer I was in the mountains and now I am next to the beach. Sometimes I forget that we are next to the coast but then a big wave of humidity will come and I will remember. It has not been too hot though. We have had some great Rendez-vous with a man named Lauront who it really cool. Elder Adamson got a banana bread recipe from his mom so we made some and ate it with Lauront for our RDV.
We teach English Class twice a week which is really fun. My companion teaches the beginners class and I teach the conversation class. It has been going really well and we are able to help a lot of people with it. There is on lady that came to church after coming to English class a few times and we are going to start teaching her soon. 
One Saturday our mission combined with the Paris mission to try to find 1000 new people to teach. My companion and I did not have very much time to contact people on Friday but we worked really hard to have conversations with people. We ended up having 16 conversations which is much more than normal. We also have a lesson with a couple that we started talking to on a bridge and they where very nice and interested in our message. 
We got a delivery of 3 big boxes of Book of Mormons that we had to carry home from a members house. It was funny going from one side of town to the other with giant boxes but now we have the Book of Mormon in about 100 languages. 

Miracle of the Week:
We lost contact with one of our amis but then on Saturday he called us and asked if he could meet us that afternoon. We taught him the plan of Salvation and he understood everything very well. Then the next day he slept through his alarm and missed church but still came all the way to the church so that we could have our RDV. We taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ which also went really well. 

Yesterday after church we had lunch with all of the ward which was really fun and I got to know the members better. We also visited a really cool Brazilian family in the ward who live in a really cool part of town in a very old house. They live in a very old part of town that I had not seen before. It had a lot of tinny, winding streets that went up and down hills and had really cool houses lining them. There was also a giant cathedral that we passed on the way that is really close to our apartment but we did not even know it was there. It was very much the typical France city that you would think of.  
Today we are going to Bordeaux for a big Zone conference. Have a great week.

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week:
At stores you can rip open the packaging and take stuff out and it is fine. They also never give you bags so you have to bring your own. 

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