Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 28, Montpellier, France

Red Week

I found this picture on the Lyon, France Mission Blog.  Anders at his Zone Conference held in Bordeaux last week

At the beginning of this transfer I decided to color all the pages of my planner and use a different color for each week. This week was Red week. So my companion decided to make it big and name it Red Week French Week Miracle Week! We only talked in French for the whole week and tried to work really hard to get some miracles.

We had a lot of really great conversations with people and helped make their lives a little bit better by teaching them about Jesus Christ and his gospel. We had a really cool game night with the ward and all of our amis. There are a lot of really awesome members here who do a lot to help missionary work. 
There is an older couple that we visited this week that is planning to serve a mission soon. We talked to them about Preach my Gospel which is the manual for all missionaries. Preach my Gospel is really great because it has the lessons we teach that explain the principles of the Gospel in a simple and clear way. Recently our mission has been working really hard at getting all of the members the get a Preach my Gospel and read it. My companion and I have been visiting the members and having them teach the story of Joseph Smith. Then we talk with them about why this story is important and what we can learn from it. We talk about how we can learn that God answers prayers and that it is important for everyone to pray and ask God if Joseph Smith really was a prophet. This has been going really well and I am exited to do it more this next week. 
miracle of the  Week:
We went to some apartments yesterday and met a lady outside her door. At first she said she did not want to talk to us but then we ended up talking for about 30 minuets. Then her husband came home and we talked to him for another 30 minuets or so. They are a super nice family with two little boys and we got to know them really well. They said we are welcome to come back anytime.

I love you all

Elder Bake

Fun French Fact of the Week:
The houses have a water closet with the toilet and then another room called the bathroom with the sink and shower. 

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