Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 57 Aix en Provence


View of Rogne in Provence

castle ruins in Rogne

Elder Bake and Elder Walters

Salut les amis,

This week was really fun. We decided in district meeting to all work really hard this week and we called it Dragon week! Even though we did not do as well and we wanted we did a lot of great stuff this week. My companion and I were talking about how we did a lot better than most weeks and how we were able to help a lot of people. We have three people, Charmain, Wayne and Joelle who are all really close to baptism but have a couple of things in the way. I have been working with these people for a long time now and it is great to see how much they have progressed. This week we are going to find a lot of other people too.
So for conference this weekend I saw the Saturday morning session on Saturday night. Then the Priesthood session Sunday morning and then the Saturday night session at noon and the Sunday morning session Sunday evening. I hope that was not too confusing. I saw about half in French and half in English and we watched it all at the church. Last conference when I was in Montpellier almost everyone in the ward came to the church and we watched it all together but this time most of the members watched it at home because they can just watch it all on line when it is good for them. I really enjoyed conference and learned a lot. I noticed there was a lot of people talking about the family which was great because we are trying to talk to people about their families right now. It is really cool how the prophet and apostles take the gospel and doctrines and stories from scriptures and show us how it all applies to our lives and then they give us inspired advice so that we can be happier.

On Monday  we had p day and we went to Rogne to teach Wayne and Nilda and then Elder Walters and I went on a hike to the top of a really big hill in Rogne. There was ruins of a castle at the top and we had a picnic with some sandwiches we brought. When we were at the top we also found some wild rosemerry and so we took some and then used it that night to put in our pizza. We saw adds for a Provence pizza and my companion was like I can make one better then that so we did and it had real wild rosemerry and other ingredience from Provence. If you can't tell I really like the Provence. It is like my home now that I have been here for 6 months. I also feel really at home with the ward members here. Recently when I go to church I look at everyone and realize how much I love them all. We had some great lessons this week with several people and English class, as normal. We also met with a member who I don't know very well but we just set up a time to talk to him and he was super nice and talkative and we became good friends. He also told us about someone he knows that was asking him about his church and we are going to talk to her some time.
Miracle of the week: On Friday we had a baptism in our ward for Fr. Blondel!! Fr. Blondel met the other missionaries in Aix about 2 months ago on the road and then started coming to church and meeting the missionaries with his wife. A few weeks ago his wife decided to get baptised but he did not want to. Then the day after his wife's baptism at church he decided that he was going to be baptized too. It was a really great experience to see how this man was able to overcome trials and things that were hard for him to do in order for him to be baptized. I am really glad I have been able to see this man change and show his faith. During the baptism my companion and I taught the restoration to the people there and it was an overall great time. This couple it really inspiring to me and it is really great for the ward here to have a new family. They also have a daughter in another part of France that is going to be baptized soon!!
On Saturday we had a conference with the other missionaries in the area and the mission president. The night before my first companion stayed the  night in our apartment. We talked a lot about trusting in the lord and had an amazing Easter meal of lamb!!!! This was my first time eating lamb other than Kebabs but that does not really count.  I hope you all have a great week; until next time

Elder Bake
Fun French Fact of the Week: One French Easter tradition is to have lamb. They are also really into the kinder eggs but that is more German I think.

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