Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 60, Agen, France

Cathedral of Saint-Caprais
Agen - "Best known for its prunes"

I am sending this email from the other side of France in a small town called Agen! This week was very eventful and I will try to remember everything. On Monday we did not have much time for p day stuff because we had a lot of teaching appointments but I would defiantly take them over anything else. We did some service for the Kools, moving some furniture and I scraped my arm pretty bad but it is ok because I am still alive and afterword we had Panakoken; Dutch crepes. Fr. Kool is a member and I have been teaching his wife Charmaine for the last 6 months.
Miracle of the week. I think I said in the last letter that Charmaine was close to being baptized. She had been taught everything and really believes it to. She just needed to get over some fear. On Monday she let us know that she was ready and wanted to be baptized as soon as possible. Normally we have baptisms on Saturday but we had a conference in Lyon on Saturday so we decided to have it on Sunday right after Church.
We also had a lot of other lessons this week including two with Joelle that went really well. We had English class with Halima and Kevin and then we saw Halima again because she wanted to give me some cake and see me one last time. So on Wednesday we got our calls for the next 6 weeks and I got called to go to Agen. Then I got really busy saying bye to everyone. On Wednesday we had Charmaine's baptismal interview and then I taught her one last time. Even though I was not able to be at the baptism it was good to see her all good to go and exited about her baptism. After we had ward council so I was able to say bye to a lot of the members then. We visited a lot of other members and on Friday morning we took a bus out to Rhone to see John then back to Aix and got on a big bus with a bunch of missionaries to Lyon. The next day we had a mission conference with all the missionaries in the mission. This does not happen very often but it happened before when Elder Andersen came. For this conference we got to hear from Elder Kiron and Elder Nielson. Elder Nielson is the one that gave a really cool talk about his sister in General Conference. After the conference I took a bus to Bordeaux which was really long but very pretty. I have taken some pretty cool trips on my mission. I was thinking about how different this one was with a bunch of cow pastures to the train ride to Gap in the mountains to the ride from Aix to Nice along the Mediterranean. They are all very pretty. So on Sunday morning we went to church in Bordeaux and then took a train to Agen which is my new home. I was somehow able to get all my stuff with me too. I am with a new companion named Elder Pien who is from Canada and he is Asian. He it awesome and is a great cook. I hope you all had a great week too.
Elder Bake
FFF of the week: the salt comes it these long cardboard tube containers.
Elder Bake in Aix

Fr. Colonna and Fr. Durand

Sr. Conessa

Halima and Kevin





Charmaine Kool

Sr. Laberyie and Sr. Ralph

Fr. Lelogais

Fr. Mass


Fr. Rodriguez


Sr. Sirix

Sr. Blackmor and Sr. Pichon

Elder Walters


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