Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 59 Aix en Provence


Another great week in Aix. I already talked about the hike we went on last Monday to the Saint-Victoire. It was my companion's birthday and we both like hiking so we had a great time. We went with Kevin who is one of my favorite people. He helps us out a lot and we have become good friends. He also comes to our English class every week which is always a lot of fun. In the beginning of the week I went on an exchange to Gap with Elder Zanger. We had a lot of fun and taught a lot. One of the people we taught is a lady named Claudi who I have known for a while and who I have taught a few times on other exchanges. She is going to be baptized in a month which is really exiting! We also had our district meeting in Manosque where we learned about teaching simply and about the things that are the most important. After our district meetings we always have a meal and this time we had roulette which is my favorite food!! It was so good! 
Later this week we made a big cookie for Elder Walter's birthday. We put nutella and ice cream on top of it and it was really good. We had 2 really good lessons with our ami Joelle. She is doing very well. We talked about fasting which has been a major concern for her. She committed to fast and we decided to fast and pray with her on Sunday that she would get an answer to her prayers. When we talked to her yesterday everything was going well. We will see her tomorrow to see how things went. I think this was a great thing to do and will help her a lot. We also taught Charmain kool this week. He should be getting baptized soon. We will be going there later today too. We had a really great lesson with the Kools about family and they were really exited about it. Yesterday after church we ate with Fr. Fernandez. He is a 91 year old Spanish man that we visit about once a week. He is really funny and loves talking about his family and the good old days. He also loves to talk about Spain which is great because my companion has spent most of his mission on the Spain border and knows a lot about it. Normally we come by and just share a message and he usually teaches us more than we can teach him. A few weeks ago we got him to come to the church and watch the movie about Joseph Smith. Yesterday he had us over to eat. He made us some great Spanish food and we had a great time. 
On Wednesday we will get a call from the mission president and he will tell us if we stay or move somewhere. I am guessing that I will leave because I have been in Aix for 6 months and that is normally the longest someone stays in one place but we will see. I have been studying my notes from General conference and it has been really great. I have leaned a lot and this has really helped me with my everyday work. Have a great week. 

Elder Bake

FFF of the Week:
There is not really a word for Bake in French so I tell people that my name means to cook something in an oven. "cuire au four"

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