Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 58 Aix en Provence


This week was great. I'm sorry I do not have time this week to write. Today was really fun because we went on a hike to La Saint Victoire. It is a mountain that is not too far from Aix that is really well known and you can see it really well from almost anywhere in Aix. It is a pretty long hike but it was a lot of fun. We did it with our ward mission leader Kevin who is from the Congo. At the top there is a really great view of Aix and there is a old chapel. It is so crazy that they where able to build it on top of the mountain.
Miracle of the week: We talked with our ami Julie and she was so exited about seeing us again! We are gong to see her again on Friday and talk about her family and how the gospel of Christ can help her.
I hope you all have a great week and I will write more next time. 

Elder Bake

Cool thing about the Congo of the week: In the Congo they call someone old if they are older than you. So you call me Old Elder Bake if I am older than you even if both the people are kids. 

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