Monday, June 1, 2015

Week 65 Agen, France


This week we had stake conference in Bordeaux which was a lot of fun.
A French 70 came and spoke as well as our mission president;President
Roney. President Roney will be finishing his mission in three weeks so
it was good to see him again. He and his wife both spoke. Normally
when sister Roney speaks she has her husband translate for her but
this time she did it all by herself. She has a really bad accent so it
was really funny but she did a great job. President Roney is always
really funny and gets everyone laughing. After the conference we had a
little meeting for new members and investigators of the church. There was a lady there who was taught by President Roney when he was a missionary 30 years ago! We had our new
investigator Mamadu at the conference which was really great. This
week we taught Mamadu about how God is our father in heaven. He is the
father of our spirits and loves us very munch. We read scriptures
about how he gives us prayer so we can communicate with him and he has
given us his son Jesus Christ. It is interesting how, for me, these
things seem very simple and easy to understand but I have realized
that most people do not understand them and I did not fully realize
how much of a blessing prayer and Jesus Christ are in my life.

This week all of the missionaries got iPads. So right now I am sending
this message from my new iPad. I have not yet figured out how to send
pictures but I am working on it.
Miracle of the week- Jean Lou our new member told us this week that he
could not come to stake conference. We sent him the address anyway and
as I expected he came! Unfortunately  when he was on the highway close
to Bordeaux his car broke down and he was not able to make it to the
conference! But at least he tried. It's the thought that counts right?
I hope you all have a great week.

Frere Bake

Fun French fact of the week- In France they use a 24 hour clock or
military time as we call it. So right now it is 14h51 in France

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