Friday, June 12, 2015

Week 66, Agen, France

These kind tourist from Arizona stopped to take a picture of Anders and his companion and sent us this picture.


This week was HOT! Very, very hot! This made the work a bit harder but
it also had its blessings. There were two times during the week when
we came to a person's door to visit them and they invited us right in
for a glass of water! One was a nice lady who's ex husband was a
member of the church. Because of this she knows a bit about the church
already and has read a bit of the Book of Mormon. We talked with her
for a bit and when we brought up the Book of Mormon she said that she
is going to start reading it every day. Most people we have to beg
just to read a little bit or pray but she just offered to! We are
seeing her again next week and looking forward to that. I did an
exchange with Elder Herdt who was in the MTC with me which was a lot
of fun. We also had district meeting in Bordeaux on Wednesday. When I
woke up on Wednesday my left eye was swollen shut. After icing it for
a while I was able to open it but it was still very big when we
arrived to district meeting. I had a lot of fun making up different
stories and jokes about it. The mission nurse told me to put a tea bag
on it and gave me permission to wear sunglasses. By Saturday it was
back to normal but then yesterday when I woke up my right eye was all
swollen! This time it healed a lot faster and was back to normal about
half way through church.

Miracle or the week: When we got to church on Sunday a lady came with
her two kids. She does not know anyone but just came because she is new to
Agen and saw the sign on the side of the church that said Jesus Christ. She is from Peru
and does not speak French but speaks a little English. She said she
is going to come next week too. We have been lucky to run into a lot
of very prepared people recently.

I hope you all have a great week

Frere Bake

Fun French Fact of the week: According to a few people we have talked to, Agen is
the hottest city in France. This is because it is surrounded by
mountains so it is in a bowl and does not get very much wind. I don't
know if I believe them because Montpellier was pretty hot lost summer.

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