Sunday, June 21, 2015

Week 67, Agen France

My apartment in Agen

Our District

My swollen eye on the train to Bordeaux


This week started out slow be ended very well. It is still very hot but it rained a few times too. Apparently it rains very rarely in Agen.
We taught a lot of people this week about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. I really like to give people a Book of Mormon for the first time. I like to tell them that it is a very special book that will help them in their life if they read it and apply what they read. I have been able to learn a lot from the Book of Mormon on my mission.
We visited Jean Lou this week who is doing very well and is very happy. On Sunday he was officially recognized as a member of the Agen Branch! The vote was unanimous. 
On Saturday we played basketball with Yanick who is a 17 year old boy in the Branch who is planning to serve a mission. We like to talk with him about American songs and he teaches us all the cool words the French teenagers use.
We were in the down town area later that day and I spoke with a nice man named Robert. We talked about his family and faith. He was raised in the countryside and was a postman. We went over to his house yesterday and were able to talk more with him. One thing I really like about him is how simple he is. He believes in God and understands that true happiness does not come from worldly things. He also knows that God has helped him in his times of trials. 
On Sunday we had church and we got there first to open everything. Then the next person to come was Kary with her two kids! She is the lady that I talked about last week who randomly came to church. We were able to teach her a little bit at church and fix a time to see her again. The Branch was very exited to see her again. 
About half way through church yesterday a young family with two little kids came into the church. They said that they are from Toulouse and just moved into the Agen sector! This is a huge blessing for the Branch here that really only has one family but now has another really cool family. We took them up to the primary room to let them drop off their kids and when we got there I said we have two new kids for you. The son of Kary said, "Oh boy, two new kids!" It was so cute.

I hope you all have a great week and that you are not as hot as me. 

Frere Bake

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