Monday, June 22, 2015

Week 68 Agen, France



Well this week was another great one! To start off we went to Bordeaux
on Tuesday for a mission conference. This conference was the last time
we would be seeing President Roney and his wife. It was also the last
time seeing Sister Polvar, the mission nurse. President Roney talked to
us about trusting in the Lord. One thing that he said that I really
liked was that we should not worry about what happens to us but worry
about how we react to what happens to us. This is really why we are here on earth; to go
through experiences that will help us learn and grow.  It is up to us to decide how
we act. We also listened to Sister Roney who gave us a
summery of everything they have taught during their mission. Mission presidents serve for three years so they have been here for a while now. Sister Polvar is the coolest lady ever!! She
talked about taking care of our feet and she threw candy to us. She also
gave us all tea bags that we could use to put on our eye if we needed to.
I don't know what gave her this idea! I really like Sister Polvar a
lot and will miss her. I think we will all miss the Roneys two
younger sons as well who have been with them in France for the last three
years. We all sang our mission song one last time which is Angels We
have heard on High in French. There was a lot of missionaries there
from the Bordeaux and Toulouse areas. There is a big group of
missionaries that are going home in a few weeks and three of my former
companions are in this group! One of them Elder Davis, who was my
first companion. He is a really good guy. It has been a while since we were together but that time has gone by really fast. I am looking forward to seeing him again after the mission. He is planning on
going to BYU so it will not be to hard.

Back in Agen we have just been teaching a lot of people and having
a great time. We taught a lot more new people this week than before.
On Friday we talked to a bunch of teenagers in a park which was a
little different but fun too. We also went to a little town called
Roquefort (like the cheese). It is always fun to go to a new city or
town that you have never been to before. You have to find the city
hall or tourism office and then get a map and find out where you are.
Then find the road of wher you need to go. It's like a treasure

On Saturday we went to a town called Auch. We
visited a lady who is a member from Portugal. She has a
7 year old son. Auch is a very beautiful town and
the bus ride there was even more beautiful.

Have a great week

Frere bake
Elder Davis

Sister Polvar

President and Sister Roney

Elder Thompson







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