Monday, June 29, 2015

Week 69, Agen France


It was a great week in Agen and also in Bordeaux! I did and
exchange in Bordeaux with Elder Durante. We spent a lot of time having conversations with people on the streets. On of them was with a man who had a really
hard life when he was young because he was into drugs and
did not have parents so he lived in foster homes. Now he is married
and has 2 kids and is very happy. He said that God helps him a lot
in his life to overcome his trials. He recently had a son that died.
It was really cool to see someone who was so happy even
though he has had a hard life.

Miracle of the week:
We taught a couple on Saturday. We planned to make it our final visit with them
because they really like us but have not been very interested in our message
or doing the things we have been asking them to do that will help them. However,
we had a really great lesson with them. We talked a lot about just doing small and
simple things will make a big difference. For some reason they were a
lot more open this time and before we left we invited them to church.
The guy said maybe. Then at church the next day they both came with
their little girl! It was the first time they had been and they both
seemed to have a great time. The whole branch was very exited about
them and everyone was very welcoming.

On Sunday I passed the sacrament, led the music and then gave a talk!
My talk was about repentance and I think it went well. I talked about the
blessings of repentance and shared the story of the brother
of Jared and how he was blessed with guidance after he repented.
For dinner last night we were invited to join the Zambos family.  They are
a great family. They have two little kids who are crazy and one boy who is about to
finish high school.

This morning we taught a lady about the plan of salvation which is
God's plan for us. She was wondering what happens after death and what
will happen to her family. We were able to answer her question with
the scriptures. My companion and I both felt very good when we finished
and felt like we really helped her come closer to Christ.

So this week President Roney is leaving with his family
and the new president, President Brown is coming. Or apparently he is
already here. I will meet him next week. Have a great day.

A la semaine prochaine

Frere Bake

FFF of the week: Most French people that I talk to do not know where
Oregon is so I say it is north of California and then they are like, "Oh
so it is really hot there! Sometimes they are familiar with the name
Portland if they like basketball.  A lot of French people like the
Blazers because of Nicholas Batum.

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