Monday, August 10, 2015

Week 75, Agen, France

Roquefort, France

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your summer. This is my second summer in France and it is going very well. At the beginning of the week it was very hot but then on Saturday and Sunday it poured. Our fan broke last week which was a little hard but today we got a new one so we should be able to survive for the rest of the summer. We bought the exact same fan that we had but we are just going to have faith that it stays alive. 
Miracle of the week:
This week we had a really great lesson with our friend Ludovic. We talked about having faith in Christ and that through Christ we can be cleansed from sin. Normally, before our lessons, we right out some phases that Frère Wilson can say but this time he was able to say a lot more and answer some questions. He also shared his personal testimony and invited Ludovic to church which was way more than he has ever done before!
Another cool experience from this week was having a great lesson with a couple who we found about families and  the temple. We are trying to talk a lot more about the temple now because there will be a temple in Paris soon, the first one in France. It is a very exiting thing for us to talk about it. 
On Thursday we had district meeting in Bordeaux and then I came back with Frère Durante for an exchange. We had great time and were able to teach the Dutiels and the Lecomps. They are both awesome and have made an effort to strengthened their own faith.  On Sunday the Dutiels came to church.  During church they were telling another member that I have helped them to have more faith and learn how to pray. I told them it is not me that is helping them but it was great to hear that I am helping them. 
On Friday we went to a little town called Roquefort, which is the name of a really good cheese in France. I hope you all have a great week!

Frère Bake

FFF of the Week for Ian (and any other Phineas and Ferb fan)
Speaking of fans, the French word for fan is Ventilateur wich means something like wind-inator

Salmon Pizza

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