Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 77, Agen France

Bonjour les Amis,

Wow another great week just flew by! So I sent some pictures of a
really old looking church and a fountain. Let me explain. Last Monday
our ami Mr. Lecomts called us and was like, "Do you guys have some time
this evening?" We said we did and he said that he wanted to take us to
this special place that he liked to go to with his family. It
was P day so we said, "why not" and we went to his house and then he
drove us really far out into the country to this little chapel that
was in the middle of a field.  Apparently this chapel was built 800
years ago. What was even more exiting was the fountain that was right
next to it. According to Mr. Lecomte this fountain is even older than
the chapel and is able to heal people. There is a story where
Charlemagne actually came to this very fountain and drank out of it to
be healed. Charlemagne is a pretty big deal in French history so that
makes this spot kind of important. There were a lot of people there at this little fountain in
the middle of nowhere to prove my point. It was fun to
see it and spend some time with Mr. Lecompe. I got pressured into
drinking some of the water and my companion got a video that I'll have to send.
On Friday we went to Mezin. It was Elder Wilsons first time there. We took our bikes
with us on the bus and then rode our bikes to another town called
Reaup to find a member. The bike ride there was
very beautiful and reminded me a lot of Oregon. It was fun to go on a
good bike ride. We were not able to go to the guys house but we
found out where he lives so next time we can get there. We talked to
some people who were sitting outside of the town store and asked
them about the town. The town is literally a store, a government
building and a really old church. There are apparently 300 people who
live in the town but they are all in the country.
On Sunday I gave a talk in church. President Zambo said to talk about
any of the things we teach as missionaries so I talked about the
restoration. Then I talked about how it applies to us, I am grateful to
live in this period of time on the earth when we can enjoy all the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Frère Zambo said I did good and was talking to me about it for a long time
after the meeting.

Miracle of the week - We had some time before we needed to go home one
day and so we desired to go to this park. We met a guy who was
really nice but he said he was atheist. After talking to him for a
little while we took his number and left to go home. We were walking
a little fast to get home on time and then about five minuets later
we heard from of in a distance "Wilson!" We turned around and there was this
same man running after us. He caught up to us and said that he forgot that
he changed phones and had given us the wrong number. Once he realized
he turned around and tried to catch up with us. This was a surprise coming from an atheist.

I hope you all have a great week and enjoy your last bit of summer.


Frère Bake

FFF of the week
The electrical outlets are a big circle with two poles that are
circular. I forgot what American ones look like but I think it is


Bike ride to Reaup-Lisse

Cathedral in Agen

The little church out in the middle of nowhere

The fountain with healing water

Kim and Nesser

The Lecomtes

Streets of Agen

Streets of Agen

Yannick Zambo

Zambo's parents


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