Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Week 76, Agen, France

Cindy Glenn Pittsenbarger's photo.
Missionaries at the Bordeaux Conference

It was another really great week!
We did a lot of service this week for the Lecomte family who we are teaching. We helped them
build some cabinets that they bought. It was a lot of fun. While we were working we talked about the gospel and the guy just sat next to us and asked us question after question. After we ate with them and just enjoyed their company. They are a really great couple and we have got to know them really well. I actually just got off the phone with them and we might go with them to a little village outside of Agen to sight see this evening.
We also met a guy named Nicholas who loves his family. He knew almost all of his great grandparents and they are all from the Agen area!
We met with Kim and Nasser a few times too! I don't know if I have said much about them. They are a really cool couple that I have gotten to love very much. This week they came to church for the second time and they had a great time. They love us a lot too and Kim loves to make us food.

Miracle if the week - A few days ago Kim decided to tell us that she
smokes a lot but for some reason felt recently like she needed to
stop. So on her own she has started to quit. We never told her
anything about how as members of the church we do not smoke and that
as missionaries we help people quit smoking! Now we are very exited to
help her with this.

On Friday we went to Bordeaux where we had a conference with the other
missionaries in the area and our mission president and his wife. It
was a very spiritual, uplifting conference and I learned a lot and I'm
very exited to apply the things I learned. Like I have mentioned
before we are focusing our efforts on the temple. We are trying to
talk with everyone about the new temple in Paris and the eternal
blessings it brings! I also did an exchange with Elder Garside who was
in the MTC with me. He is so awesome and we had a great time.

On Sunday we had a branch meal after church and Kim, Nasser, and Kerry
and her kids all stayed for it. I made a salad with apples in it. It
was a big hit. Ok maybe not but I did not think it was too bad. I
really want to improve my cooking skills but it's a little hard. This
transfer is going by so fast but I am very exited for next week!

Have a good week!

Frère Bake

FFF of the week - Elder Garside and I were talking about how French
people think of fruit as a dessert. If you grab some fruit In the
middle of the meal they are like, "What are you doing?" And then after
the meal they bring out the dessert and it will be an orange and
your like, "What is this? I want a brownie."

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